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Threesome Play (Threesome Series) Page 5

  “If that’s an example, I’m all for it,” she gasped.

  “You said it, sweetheart.” Max grinned again, capped the bottle of oil and threw it on the floor. He jumped up on the bed, causing the mattress to dip, and positioned himself behind Kyle, his cock at his lover’s hole. “Ready?”

  Kyle grunted assent.

  She didn’t feel anything when Max pushed his cock into Kyle, but when they started moving, Kyle’s thrusts were harder, more forceful, as though Max plunging from behind gave Kyle’s drives more strength. Bolts of pleasure sizzled in her, especially when he pressed hard against her clit. Their heat surrounded her, intensifying the flames. Max trapped her legs against Kyle’s waist when he held on tight to his lover, anchoring his hands to give him greater leverage for his thrusts. She didn’t know how they coordinated the rhythm, because all she cared about was the bliss of having Kyle pound into her with an intensity far greater than she imagined.

  The desperate urgency she felt back in the living room returned, blanking her mind to everything but the rhythmic plunges of Kyle’s thick cock into her pussy, as sensations ricocheted within her. The world narrowed down to the creaking of the mattress springs, laboring breaths, sweat and damp heat. Ah, God. The heat, intensifying, percolating in her belly. Mewling cries escaped her lips, cries of encouragement, of pleadings for more, of—

  Screams rent the air. Screams of utmost pleasure as she jerked and thrashed, riding the crests and swells of her orgasm. Her body arched, almost throwing off the men. Even as she pulsed and throbbed, Kyle continued thrusting so that her orgasm barely dipped before it rose again, throwing her up once more to soar. She lost count, for whenever she thought this would surely be the last, his ferocious plunge and magical fingers sent her into raptures again. Her orgasm seemed endless and just when she was sure her body couldn’t take anymore, she heard Kyle shouting as he ground into her, then Max following suit.

  She lay on the bed, immense satisfaction streaming through her veins. The men’s weights were heavy on hers, but she loved it. Almost suffocating her, but not quite. The disquiet she’d felt in the past week melted away, and the resulting peace that suffused her being assured her that this was right. Though they’d met only a short time, she knew she belonged here, with them. She battled the lethargy to loop her arms around her men and hugged them tight, grateful they had fought to stay in her life. She was content to lie there as their bodies cooled down, mind happily drifting.

  “Sweetheart, you okay?” Max asked as he withdrew from them.

  “When can we do it again?” was her cheeky reply.

  “You love it, huh.” Max chuckled. The bed dipped and rolled with his movements. “Whenever you like. That’s the privilege of being in a relationship. You ask, we deliver.” He went to the adjoining bathroom, while Kyle took the chance to engage her in a slow, luxurious kiss, his hands brushing back the hair from her damp face, their bodies still joined together. He searched her face, eyes intent on capturing her every expression. “No regrets?”

  “What do you think?” She dimpled, then frowned. “Wasn’t I clear enough with my request to have you both in my bed?”

  “We’re gay, Cara,” Kyle reminded her.

  “Bi, I would say,” was another saucy reply. Nothing could disrupt her sense of happiness and well-being.

  “You know what I mean.” He shot her a look of reproach.

  “Yes, I know, and you know what? I’m glad. I get to enjoy you and Max, and I don’t have to feel guilty that any one of you is left out, because you and Max also get to enjoy one another. Not only that, but the sex we just had was the best and most mind-blowing I’ve ever had.”

  Unaccountably, she felt shy all of a sudden, which was ridiculous, considering the intimacy she’d indulged in with them. She forced herself to look into his keen green eyes. Was that a trace of amusement in them? “Anyway, thank you. For coming to talk to me. I’m so glad you did, and let me assure you that I wouldn’t have asked you both to fuck me if I objected to having gay lovers.” A thought struck her. “Did someone in your past object to you having a gay lover? A woman you shared? Another man?”

  Did they still love her? Or him?

  Kyle didn’t answer. Instead, he withdrew and lay on the bed beside her. Waves of sorrow and distress emanated from him, and found an answering response in her. The need to soothe rose, and she turned to face him, her hand caressing his face, telling him she was right there, for him to talk when he was ready. The moment was deep and intimate, more so than the lovemaking they’d just shared.

  “My father,” Kyle answered quietly. “He broke ties with me because he can’t stand the shame of having a gay son.”

  Cara moved in for a hug, sending him streams of wordless comfort. Max, who’d returned from the bathroom, lay beside them and ran his hand down Kyle’s back, a solid supporting presence.

  “I’m sorry,” she said after a while, even as her heart broke for this man, so strong yet vulnerable. “There’s no shame in being gay, in love. You love who you love.”

  “I know that.” Kyle shot a look of so much love at Max that Cara felt humbled to see it. She experienced a fierce longing to experience that kind of love someday. With them.

  “Still, I can’t help but wish—” Kyle broke off and sighed, but she could guess what he wanted to say. He and his dad must be close, for Kyle to be so bothered about it. Which was why his dad’s disapproval would hurt him so much, too.

  A surge of affection for this complicated man swamped her.

  “It takes people time to get used to an idea that’s different from what they’ve known or held onto their whole life. Since he loves you, he’ll come around. Give him time, Kyle,” she urged. More than anything, she wanted to make him happy. “Broken ties can be mended. I’ll help, if you’ll allow me.”

  “How?” All the hope she tried to give him was reflected there in his eyes.

  “I don’t have anything concrete at the moment,” she had to admit, “but I’m a woman. We’re traditionally the peacemakers, the glue that holds a family together.” She smiled. “I’m sure I’ll think of something.”

  “Thank you,” was all he said, but the tone was heartfelt.

  Time to lighten the mood. “Perhaps I should thank your father, because it made you move here.”

  “Not quite.” Kyle chuckled. “Dad’s part of the reason, I admit, but mainly, I wanted to save Max from his colleagues, who’ve been giving him trouble since we were spotted holding hands at the movies.”

  “What!” she exclaimed, outraged.

  “Nothing overt,” Max explained with a grimace. “But suddenly, plans made long ago were cancelled, people found reasons for not coordinating on a program with me—”

  “Oh, Max.” Cara ached for both of them, that such discrimination abound in an enlightened first world country like theirs. Well, maybe not so enlightened then. She gave him a hug as well and was glad she could give him a firmer reassurance. “We’re more tolerant here, and the department also has a gay professor on its roster.”

  “We know. It’s one of the reasons we chose to move here.” A rueful smile touched his mouth. “Though being with Kyle was the source of the problem, having someone love me like Kyle does helped me cope during that difficult time. I would’ve stayed on and endured if Kyle hadn’t wanted to leave and make a fresh start somewhere.” Max hesitated a second, then continued, “Though I didn’t want that experience to color my life, I have to say it did affect me. I just didn’t realize how much until—” He stopped abruptly. “Remember when you avoided us after we dropped that bomb on you? I didn’t tell Kyle, but I thought it was because we were gay and you didn’t want—”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Kyle glared at his male lover across her body. “We said we’d share everything—”

  “I’m sorry—”

  “You cheated me out of a chance to reassure you—”

  “That was wrong of me. Forgive me?”

  Max’s immediate cont
rition took the wind out of Kyle. “See that you remember next time,” he grumbled.

  “Yes, sir.”

  She swore there was a twinkle in Max’s eyes.

  “I’m serious.” Kyle moved to lie back down. “Even after two years of being together, we still have a lot to learn.” Glancing at Cara, he asked, “Sure you want to cast your lot in with us?”

  She thought their relationship dynamics were rather cute. The atmosphere was also getting maudlin, so she sent them both a mischievous grin. “Sounds exciting.”

  Both men burst into laughter.

  “And with orgasms like what you’d given me, I’ll take my chances.” This time, her smile was genuine and sincere.

  Kyle chuckled. “A woman after my heart.”

  “More importantly, I like you, both of you. So I guess we’ve got quite a lot going for us.”

  “Ah, but how adventurous are you?” Max asked, a glint in his eye. “I’ve heard adventure and danger play a part in cementing a couple’s—in this case, a triad’s—bond.”

  “Why?” Being a mathematics professor, her life was steady and calm, more intellectual than physical. Her adventures were usually experienced between the pages of a mystery/thriller.

  “How do you feel about fucking in classrooms? Or the teachers’ lounge?” Max waggled his eyebrows. “Or the park?” And in a staged whisper, he added, “The library?”

  Cara could feel her eyes growing wider with each place he named. She didn’t know if he was serious, but joy and excitement were welling from deep within her, and she released a peal of incredulous laughter.

  Max and Kyle were her greatest adventure to date, and they promised to be the grandest adventure of her life.

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