Threesome Play (Threesome Series) Read online

  Threesome Play

  Sienna Matthews

  Copyright 2012 Sienna Matthews

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this ebook may be reproduced in any print or electronic form without prior written permission from the publisher, Chained Hearts Publishing. Please respect the hard work of our author.

  Published by Chained Hearts Publishing

  This ebook is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  About the Author

  Sienna Matthews is a bespectacled, mild-mannered office employee by day and turns into a mad, raving writer at night and during weekends. The only thing that can be heard from her are the tap, tap, tap of her keyboard. She doesn't need food or sleep as she follows the calling of her muse.


  Email: SiennaMMatthews @

  Chained Hearts Publishing Titles

  Derek by Sienna Matthews

  Passion’s Fire by Jenna Rose Ellis

  Forbidden Desire by Kai Andersen

  Threesome Interlude by Sienna Matthews

  Wedding Party of Three by Sienna Matthews

  Edge of Desire by Crimson Fox

  Threesome Play by Sienna Matthews

  Table of Contents

  About the Author

  More from Chained Hearts Publishing

  Threesome Play

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter One

  “Lynne, I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!” Cara Wilson’s best friend, Lynne Morrison, had just gotten engaged the night before. “Was it big?”

  Lynne’s surprised sputtering could be heard over the phone line. “What?! You know I can’t tell you details about my guy’s equip—”

  Cara hooted with laughter. “Not what I’m asking, you dolt. The rock, idiot. I’m asking about the size of the rock.”

  “Oh. Ha ha. I swear you said it deliberately that way to make me think—Anyway, it’s a one-carat diamond.”

  “I want to see it,” Cara demanded, clutching the phone tight to her ear. “How about tonight?”

  “Can’t. Have a date.”

  “Oh, c’mon. You just saw him last night,” Cara groused. “Can’t spare some time for your best girlfriend these days?” She continued in her meanest voice, “Or would that be ex-best girlfriend?”

  “We’re celebrating the engagement with Ash,” Lynne replied in a quiet voice.

  Cara was stunned into speechlessness, much like when Lynne had related how she first met her now-fiancé—in an elevator, in a threesome with Mark’s brother Ash. Cara had thought the threesome was a one-time thing. Apparently not. When she found her voice, she asked, “So, the threesome continues?”

  “Occasionally,” Lynne admitted. “Mark’s very close to his brother, and an engagement is a big thing. He wants to share his joy with Ash.”

  “Not that you’re complaining.” Cara’s head thudded against the cushioned headrest of the sofa. “I’m so envious. Here I am, with no prospects whatsoever and you have two of the hunkiest guys on earth. Seriously, you should share, Lynne. Introduce me to Ash. Tell me he’s single.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Lynne said slowly.

  Cara felt a moment’s betrayal. “Me not good enough for Ash, huh?” she said lightly to cover the hurt.

  “No, of course not!” Lynne protested fiercely. “You’re too good for Ash, in fact. What I meant was, with the propensity my guy and his brother have for sharing their women…” She trailed off, but Cara was beginning to get an inkling of where Lynne’s thoughts were going. “Just think, Cara. If you go out with Ash, you might end up in my bed someday…I don’t think I can…” She heaved in a huge breath before repeating emphatically, “I can’t. I love you like a sister and seeing you in my bed like that would just be so wrong.”

  “It wouldn’t feel right to me either,” Cara said grudgingly. She’d seen Lynne naked before—in the locker room of the gym that they both frequented—but watching her best friend do sexual acrobatics would be a different cup of tea, a brew she wouldn’t be comfortable drinking.

  “Hey, how about your two new neighbors?” Lynne chirped. “Wasn’t it only last week when you were gushing over how gorgeous they were?”

  Thinking about the attractive men living next door only made Cara gloomier. “I think they’re gay.”

  “But you’re not sure.”

  Something in Lynne’s tone made Cara think. “No,” she responded in a slow drawl. “But seriously, what two men would rent a house together?”

  “They could be brothers.”

  “Nah. They don’t look alike.”

  “Cousins, then, or best friends.”

  Cara shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “Well, there’s your prospects!”

  “I can’t believe you, Lynne Morrison,” Cara protested, indignant. “Just because you have two guys doesn’t mean—”

  “Oh, but two guys…yum…” Lynne’s purring hum of satisfaction stirred a wild, crazy longing in Cara. “Look, Cara, why don’t you approach them and see? It could be they’re not gay and are amenable to sharing. Or, if one’s more to your liking, maybe he would find you to his taste as well and would just happen to be unattached. The thing is, if you don’t go over and introduce yourself, how will you know?”

  When Cara remained silent, Lynne gave a little laugh and continued, “Just like my case. If I had waited for the guys to make the first move, we’d probably still be eyeing each other whenever we happen to find ourselves in the same elevator together.”

  Mark and Ash worked in the same building as Lynne, though not for the same employer, and the three of them were once trapped in the elevator together. Lynne had pretended to feel faint, which caused the guys to pretend to revive her.

  Lynne ended her mini-lecture with “And I wouldn’t have these past months of happiness with Mark.”

  “And a future of more happiness with Mark, with the occasional Ash,” Cara couldn’t help but quip.

  Lynne laughed. “You know what I mean. You make your own opportunity, but when it comes, grab it. At the very least, go get laid today.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” With those words, Cara sealed her fate. She was going to get a hunk of her own, and she had two viable candidates next door. “It certainly isn’t fair that you’re getting some while I’m not having any.”

  “Atta girl. I expect a full report tomorrow.”

  “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” Cara taunted.

  “You wicked girl. I gave you this idea,” Lynne returned, outraged.

  “I’m the one saddled with the execution.”

  “You’ll get the full benefits.”

  “There is that.” Immense satisfaction in her voice. Cara couldn’t believe she was actually looking forward to seducing her neighbors. If she were lucky, she only needed to make the first move and the rest would be utmost pleasure.

  * * *

  “I hate washing cars,” Kyle Lockwood complained, but he dutifully soaped up the sponge in his hand before applying it to his side of the car.

  “It’s your car,” his lover, Maxwell Brannigan, pointed out.

  “I know, which is why I have the right to complain.”

  “I have the right to complain; you don’t,” Max retorted, gray-green eyes flashing. “I told you to bring the car to the wash, but you didn’t want to
‘waste money’, was how I recall you saying. You’re lucky I’m even helping you.”

  A big wad of suds landed on Kyle’s chest, shot there from the other side of the car by Max. “Hey!” Kyle shouted.

  Max waved a hand negligently, causing another wad to land on Kyle’s shoulder. “All part and parcel of washing cars. Isn’t this fun?”

  I’ll show you fun. Out loud, Kyle said, “How come the neighborhood kids are nowhere when you need them?” He looked for an opportunity to drench Max with the soapy water, but his lover had already soaped the windows and had ducked down to get the rest of the doors. He decided to go ‘round the car and surprise Max from behind.

  “Baseball practice, swimming, ballet, you know, the works,” Max was enumerating just as Kyle rounded the back of the car. He was presented with the sight of Max’s taut, gorgeous ass outlined by his black shorts as he reached down to soap the bottom parts of the car.

  Heat instantly streaked through Kyle, pooling at his groin. After two years, he shouldn’t be surprised at the intensity, but he was still unbalanced by the lust that surged through him. He took a moment to regain his center, then on stealthy feet, he moved forward until he could grasp Max’s ass cheeks with his wet hands.

  Max’s body jerked and straightened up, then he leaned back against Kyle with a sigh. He turned his head, and their mouths melded in a slow, torturous kiss that involved tongues and teeth and lips. Even as passion rose between them, an underlying affection threaded through the heat, an affection borne of months of togetherness. Love seemed a paltry word for the intensity of emotions that Max engendered in him, a force that had prompted him to give up family and friends to start a new life with Max in a new town. Though he missed his dad, he didn’t regret this move. He never would. Max was…everything to him.

  When they finally broke the kiss, they were both panting.

  “I love…you.” Kyle didn’t want the kiss to end just like that. He continued pressing small kisses on Max’s upturned face.

  “Love you…” Max returned, one hand caressing Kyle’s thigh. He opened his mouth just as Kyle pressed a kiss on his lips, and the peck turned into another full-blown kiss.

  Kyle didn’t mind. Max tasted yummy.

  When Kyle lifted his head for the second time, Max’s intense gray-green eyes roved over Kyle’s face, as though cataloguing and imprinting Kyle’s features in his memory.

  Kyle was caught by that fierce, loving gaze. It felt as though his entire soul was open and exposed to one who would treasure and protect whatever he’d see. It took him awhile to remember what he’d been about to say when he had seen Max with his ass up in the air. Aside, that was, from “let’s go to bed” at the sight of his lover’s delicious ass.

  “The correct posture…would be to kneel…when you’re reaching…for something down below.” He nibbled on Max’s soft earlobe as his hands palmed and squeezed his partner’s ass, loving the feel of Max’s flesh in his hands. One hand stole to the front of Max’s body and Kyle caressed the hardening length until it pulsed with urgent throbs. Max pressed back, his ass grinding against Kyle’s boner. It was getting harder to think. “That way…” Something about Max’s back, something important. Oh, yeah. “You won’t break your back and…something.”

  “You mean like this?” In one graceful move, Max turned and was falling to his knees, his hands pulling down Kyle’s shorts and freeing his cock. Without waiting for a reply, he sucked the hard cock into his mouth, his wet hands stroking up Kyle’s thighs as his skillful mouth performed its magic.

  Fiery sensations lanced through Kyle. Max’s mouth was hot as a furnace and just what his aching cock needed. Still, his sanity didn’t entirely leave him, and from somewhere, he found the will to say, “Fuck. Someone…someone could see us.”

  But even as his words hinted at stopping, his hands moved of their own volition to thread through Max’s hair. Being given a blowjob by Max was one of the highlights of their sex lives. Kyle loved Max’s mouth, whether he was kissing him or being sucked by him. Now, he welcomed the cool, silky texture of Max’s hair on his hands, as it contrasted greatly with the heat enveloping his cock. “Fuck.” A sigh this time.

  Max shook his head, and the resulting consequences to the cock in his mouth had Kyle groaning in pleasure.

  Hot damn.

  “Mmmph…prrrrss…mmmnksss…” was what Kyle thought Max said.

  “Stop, we have to stop.” Kyle tugged at Max’s hair, but like his words, the action was done without heat or intention.

  Max released him long enough to say, “Fence. Trees. No one will see.” Then he was back to kissing and sucking Kyle’s stiff rod, a look of bliss on his face.

  Thus reassured, Kyle gave himself up to Max’s mouth and tongue, as his lover alternately sucked and swirled that tiny skillful appendage around Kyle’s cockhead, drawing pre-cum and making him even harder. Max’s hands, which had been gripping his ass, now moved to shower slow, firm strokes on his balls.

  “Fuck,” Kyle cursed as he surrendered to the urge swelling up in him. Fingers clutching tight to Max’s hair, his hips moved to a silent rhythm as he fucked his lover’s mouth, thrusting over and over into that welcoming heat. Face contorting, he unloaded his seed as pleasure overwhelmed him.

  Kyle staggered and leaned against the car, his boneless legs unable to hold him up any further. “Awesome,” he panted.

  “Great,” Max agreed, rising up to take Kyle’s mouth, his hand trailing up to glide over Kyle’s back.

  Kyle tasted himself, as well as a whole host of other flavors, and combined, the essence was a beautiful period to the blowjob Max had given him. He opened his mouth, and Max took the kiss deeper, and it was a while before they broke off, gasping for breath.

  “Want me…?” Kyle gestured toward Max’s tent pole.

  Max shook his head. “Let’s finish washing the car, then we can go in and play in earnest.”

  “You should’ve said so earlier,” Kyle complained, drawing up his shorts and boxers in one go. “I would’ve washed faster.”

  “Not that you did a lot,” Max said drily, pointedly looking at the unsoaped parts, which were all on Kyle’s half of the car.

  “I did say those neighborhood kids would be handy,” Kyle muttered, picking up his sponge from the floor—he didn’t even remember dropping it—and swiping at the car as he went back. “Especially that hot blonde next door.”

  “Hot blonde?” Max’s brows were raised. “Would she be giving the car or you a hand?”

  Kyle grinned, unrepentant. “I’d prefer her mouth, or her tight, wet sheath.”

  “I wouldn’t know about tight or wet, but she is hot,” Max remarked.

  Kyle grinned even wider as he applied himself to the car, his mind happily occupied with thoughts of long, tanned legs, a tiny waist and generous breasts that would fill his hands. Hmmm…that looked very much like their last lover, a woman who was enthusiastic in bed and out. She’d run him and Max ragged during the one night they were together.

  Ever since he and Max had found each other two years before, they’d been happy. That wasn’t to say their relationship was without its gray clouds. Max suffered from his colleagues’ censure when he was outed, and as a result, his work quality deteriorated. As for Kyle, his father had disowned him outright when he knew.

  Finally, he and Max decided to start over again in a new town where people would be more tolerant of unusual relationships. They’d learned about this place via the Internet, about the gay community that existed a few blocks away. And so, they had ended up here, next door to a hot blonde.

  Now, if only said hot blonde would sashay her sweet ass over to their place, Kyle’s day would be complete.

  Thank goodness he and Max share the same tastes in women. Every once in a while, they’d feel the need for some softness in their lives, a woman to cuddle with after a sweaty sex session or to give them that feminine perspective on things. It was a rare woman who would last a week or two, while the rest
were one-night stands. However, the routine was getting old. Perhaps he was ready to have a more permanent third—a woman—in his life, but what about Max? What did he feel about it? They haven’t talked about this—

  “Hey,” a female voice called from the direction of the gate. “Need any help?”

  Kyle’s ears registered Max’s wolf whistle, but his eyes could barely take in the sight. It was Hot Blonde.

  Someone up there was listening to him.

  Up close, Hot Blonde was way hotter. Her long, tanned legs seemed longer, but that could be because of the short shorts she was wearing, shorts that were frayed at the hem and that emphasized her slim thighs and legs. A delicious expanse of tanned midriff was exposed by the light polo shirt she was wearing, the ends of which she’d tied under her breasts. Was she tanned all over? Did she sunbathe in the nude?

  Wild thoughts tangled up his tongue, and that was before he lifted his gaze further and zoomed in on her face. The symmetry of her features lent her a pretty look, but it was her bright, blue eyes that dominated her face. They bored into his own green ones, slamming into him with their intelligence and directness.

  “I thought I’d be neighborly and welcome you to town. However, I’m not much of a cook, so instead of bringing a casserole, I decided to offer my services.” White teeth flashed. “I’m pretty good with…”—Did he imagine the slight pause that was somehow filled with innuendo? Or was that only him?—“…my hands.” Her grin grew wider. “And car washes.”

  “Hi,” Kyle managed to croak. He cleared his throat and looked down at his soapy hand. “Oops, we probably shouldn’t shake at this point.” His mouth stretched in a smile of genuine amusement. “I’m Kyle Lockwood. We sure could use the help.” And the view.

  “Cara Wilson.” She came closer and held out her hand. “Oh, I don’t mind. I’m going to get wet in a while anyway.”

  Her hand was soft and smooth, well, except for that small callus at the base of her third finger. All too soon, he had to let go. He missed its warmth almost immediately.