Threesome Play (Threesome Series) Read online

Page 2

  “Max Brannigan.” His lover came to their side to give her hand a shake. “The neighborhood seems a bit quiet on the weekend.”

  “Yes, some of the residents work on Saturdays, and the mommies drive their kiddies to sports activities or art classes.” She released a tinkling laugh. “Perfect for us professionals who want peace and quiet to recover from the rigors of the workweek. Or a night of hard partying.” She looked from one of them to the other. “Where shall I start?”

  “Perhaps you could help Kyle out,” Max suggested drily. “His half of the car has some spots that haven’t been soaped yet.”

  “I’ll take the hood since he’s about done with the doors.” She accepted the sponge Max held out to her, dipped it in the soapy pail and made her way to the front of the car. “What made you move out here? Work?”

  She bent at the waist and started scrubbing, and hell yeah, Kyle was so enjoying the view. He didn’t know if it was a deliberate action on her part, but her posture enabled him to see down her cleavage. Her golden-brown mounds swayed and jiggled to her movements, and they looked altogether succulent and edible.

  Yup, she must have sunbathed in the nude.

  After the fabulous bj, he shouldn’t be hard again so soon, but he was. He couldn’t imagine what Max must be feeling right now—well, maybe he could, like maybe his balls were about to burst.

  “Kyle was tapped by his company to expand the business here, but I’m taking my masters.”

  Max’s voice caused Kyle to glance at his lover, only to see him eyeing Kyle’s hands meaningfully before sliding his gaze to the car. The meaning was clear: work and don’t be distracted!

  Since it seemed he wasn’t going to be receiving any relief soon, his balls were clear for an explosion all right.

  “Really?” In Cara’s voice was genuine curiosity. “What course?”


  “What coincidence.” Her smile was wide and blinding. Kyle blinked. “I’m currently doing my doctorate thesis, but if you need help…”

  Max whistled. “Beauty and brains.”

  Kyle was entranced when Cara blushed, the color pinkening her cheeks.

  “I have a passion for numbers, is all,” she murmured.

  What else does she have passion for? Kyle couldn’t wait to find out. “You’re a professor at the local U?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “Your students must have a hard time concentrating,” he teased.

  “I promise them a striptease at the end of the class if they behave,” she said, facing the hood as she scrubbed.

  Kyle felt his eyes widening. He and Max shared an equally dubious and incredulous glance before he said, “You didn’t.”

  “Plus a glimpse of my naked body if they all pass the course.” Her shoulders were shaking.

  “And here I thought teaching university is easier than grade school,” Max commented.

  Cara glanced at them and burst out laughing. “If you could see your faces,” she gasped.

  “I was just thinking I wouldn’t mind being one of your students,” Kyle drawled, mouth lifting at the infectious sound. “Such reward would be the right incentive to spur me to do better in math. And I suck at math.”

  “Me too, though I don’t suck at math.”

  Cara was smiling. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. The U would throw me out if such a thing really happened. What about you, Kyle? What do you do?”

  “Insurance,” he said, then couldn’t help but add, “We deal with a fair bit of numbers, too.” And had to suppress a cringe when Max shot him a look. Okay, not so subtle, but hey, what else could he and Cara have in common? Flustered, he blurted out, “Do you live alone?” Then had to stamp down the wince. Another unsubtle question. What was it about this girl that made him forget all his smooth moves?

  “Yes. I’m an only child who came a bit late into her parents’ lives,” she shrugged, “so Mom and Dad have now retired to Florida, where the weather is a bit kinder to their old bones.” She wiped an arm across her forehead, saying, “The sun’s really in full force today, isn’t it?”

  “Car washes are also hard, sweaty work,” Max said, appearing cool and undisturbed by the heat from where he was leaning against the fence that divided their two houses.

  “I wouldn’t know it from the look of you,” Cara commented, amusement in her voice. She swiped at the last remaining dry spot on the car before glancing at them and asking in an oh-so-casual voice, “How about you? The two of you sharing the house?”

  They knew what she was really asking, so Max answered, “Yup, just us.”

  She didn’t give any outward expression, but Kyle had the uncanny sensation she was grinning inside. A big, wide grin, and maybe shouting, “Awesome.”

  “Perhaps I could show you around town one day,” she suggested casually.

  “How about tomorrow?” Kyle had given up on subtlety.

  She blinked. “Sounds good. You’re fortunate I have nothing on.”

  Baby, you have way too many clothes on.

  For a moment, Kyle was afraid his runaway mouth had done it again. But Max was saying, “It’s a date. For now, I think it’s time we hose down the car.”

  “Me, me!” Cara was jumping up and down in excitement, causing her breasts to jiggle enticingly beneath her shirt.

  Kyle couldn’t not stare at the beautiful sight. Being a man was made for such moments. He was so riveted it took Max several tries before Kyle heard him.

  “Kyle, Kyle!”

  “Yes?” He tried to play it cool, but he knew he wasn’t fooling Max. Cara was also smiling, a secret smile that beguiled him. He decided he wasn’t fooling her either. If she could only see the wood he was sporting beneath these loose three-quarters, she would’ve known for sure.

  “You’ve another hose there on your side. You can help Cara wash off the soap while I go get the wax,” Max instructed.

  “Sure thing.”

  Ignoring his hard-on, Kyle opened an innocuous topic like the latest movies they’d seen. He and Cara spent several minutes chatting and laughing, while the water danced and splashed, sometimes flinging in unexpected directions as the holder of the hose doubled over with laughter.

  “You look like two ducks who’d dunked in the water,” Max remarked when he came back out, carrying a huge tub of car wax and some clean cloths.

  “Make that three!” In a fit of mischief, Kyle turned his hose in Max’s direction. But somehow, Cara was there in front of him and the water splashed her instead, drenching her from head to toe, her hair, shirt and shorts plastering themselves against her skin.

  Uh-oh. Way to go impressing the Hot Blonde, Kyle, was his last thought before all hell broke loose.

  Chapter Two

  Cara stood shock still under the water spray. One moment she was laughing, having the time of her life with the attention of two gorgeous guys. The next it felt as though she’d been thrown into cold seawater.

  The day had been going so well, too. She’d gathered up her courage and taken the first step toward knowing her neighbors. When she’d first spied them from the gate, she’d been struck dumb by their attractiveness. They were both lean with flat stomachs, though broad through the shoulders. One possessed that gorgeous nerdy look—Max—that got to her every time, while Kyle was more lighthearted, with his lips in a perpetual up tilt as though ready to smile at the very least thing. They both made her blood sizzle, heat swamping her as her eyes did another slow perusal of their bodies.

  Once she’d opened her mouth with the greeting, the rest had been a snap. That Kyle and Max were easy to get along with went a long way toward opening her up and making her comfortable with them. Then, hooray! She had a date for the next day with not one, but two gorgeous hunks. She would get to know them both and weed out the one who wasn’t the right fit for her.

  That was the game plan.

  Instead, here she was, truly drenched like the wet duck Max had called them.

  “Oh gosh, Cara,
I never meant—I’m so sorry,” Kyle sputtered, eyes wide. He held the hose pointed at the ground to the side, to prevent from drenching anyone else, she supposed.

  Strangely, she heard Lynne’s voice in her ear at that moment. “When opportunity comes, grab it.”

  Cara knew what it meant, but would she? Dare she? How much of Lynne’s outrageous attitude and behavior had rubbed off on her?

  Her heart was thudding a fierce rhythm as she dropped the hose she was holding to the ground. The first step had been cast. She was sure her cheeks were on fire, but there was nothing she could do about that. Slowly, her hands lifted to her shirt. “My mom always told me to get out of wet clothes or I might catch cold.” She was trembling so hard she fumbled at the knot.

  The guys’ eyes were riveted on her, rather, on her fingers as they unknotted the shirt and started to undo the buttons. “Did she?” Max asked, his voice hoarse, while a tic twitched in Kyle’s cheek.

  She was quivering with nerves and anticipation, so much that she couldn’t quite get a grasp on the buttons. “Help me?”

  She heard a thud and then Max was there, his large, warm hands brushing hers aside to take over the task, his gray-green eyes glinting with desire. Kyle was tugging down her shorts, then exclaiming in a voice that sounded as though something had stuck in them, “No panties?”

  She choked out a “no” and had to hold on to Max as she stepped out of the shorts.

  “Beautiful,” Kyle was saying in a reverent tone, but she couldn’t pay the compliment the attention it deserved because Max was kissing her, his mouth warm and dry against hers, his masculine scent pleasant in her nose. He pushed the shirt away from her shoulders. She hadn’t worn a bra, either, as her full breasts certainly didn’t need it, and she shuddered when Max covered her bare breasts with his large hands. Kyle, on the other hand, was running his hands up her legs, stroking her inner thighs and pressing kisses in the wake of his hands.

  Even as Max changed his angle and deepened the kiss, his tongue stroking in her mouth, Kyle nudged her legs wider so that she was open to him. Not satisfied, he used his hands to hold her puffy lips apart as he applied his mouth to her pussy. His skillful tongue was caressing her folds the way Max did her mouth and coaxing more cream out of her. She moaned into Max’s mouth, her hips writhing with the urgent need to move, to ride Kyle’s mouth and that glorious tongue he was now stabbing into her channel. Sensation upon sensation rioted within her, the heat piling up even more when Max thrummed a nipple with his thumb.

  Oh God.

  When she’d taken that first step toward her neighbors, she hadn’t imagined this decadence or this much pleasure. Her body came alive, as though awakened for the first time, her senses overwhelming her with the intensity of the stimuli being received. Max was kissing her as though she was his last hope for survival, and Kyle was marauding her pussy as though her cream was the ambrosia, the last drop of water in the desert. Their eager enthusiasm was more potent than any aphrodisiac, spiraling her deeper and higher than she’d ever gone before.

  Kyle brushed the flat of his tongue against her clit as he slid two fingers into her channel. Tremors of bliss shuddered through her. Oooh, that felt good. He thrust his fingers in and out as he wrapped his tongue around her clit and sucked.

  Rapture crashed down on her. She would’ve screamed if Max hadn’t been covering her mouth with his. Her hips writhed with frenzied movements, determined to ride Kyle’s mouth until she wrung the very last drop of ecstasy he could give. When Max released her mouth to nip and suck her nipples, she was a goner. Her orgasm went on for a long time, plunging through the valley to the troughs then soaring up high again, over and over until she was limp and nerveless, and all she wanted to do was lie down and try to recover from the earth-shattering experience.

  She now knew why Lynne had a very special smile on her lips whenever a threesome with Ash was mentioned. Or why Lynne wouldn’t give up tonight’s date to show her best-friend-since-childhood BFF the size of the rock her fiancé had given her. Oh, Cara now knew all right. She would probably react the same way if she were in Lynne’s shoes.

  “I want to fuck you,” Max growled against her ear, where he was nibbling the soft lobe. He held his body taut, tension and control in every hard line.

  He provided the support that enabled her to remain standing, while Kyle was still down below, nibbling and placing kisses on her inner thighs, his hands running up and down her legs in a sensuous caress. Legs that were trembling with the strain to do their part in holding her up. Awhile ago, she didn’t think she had the energy to move, but imagining Max’s cock moving in her—she lost her breath at the thought—his beautiful body above hers, and below her, Kyle, his cock in her ass, the two of them pleasuring her—

  “Yes,” she breathed, adrenaline surging from somewhere deep inside, invigorating her. “Fuck me. Both of you.”

  “Let’s go inside,” Max muttered, bending to scoop her up in his arms.

  Startled, she looped her hands around his neck. “Why, you’re a romantic, Max Brannigan.” She grinned. “I wouldn’t have known from that geeky exterior.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, ma’am,” he said in all seriousness, before bending his head to kiss her. And that was how they made their way to the bedroom, with Max stealing kisses every so often. She had to admit it was a lovely way to travel.

  He threw her onto the rumpled king-sized bed. She smelled Max in the bedding, as well as the lingering scent of sex. Did he have a girlfriend? If not, did he masturbate? The latter thought was strangely erotic, turning her on even more, the image of him with his stroking hand on his cock streaking across her mind. Before she could enjoy the picture fully, he’d followed her down, his body heavy but pleasant on top of hers, his mouth engaging her in a kiss that blew the picture out of her head. Especially with his steely cock pressed against her belly—

  Even that was forgotten when his tongue stroked into hers, hot and bold and needy, an imitation of how his cock would thrust into her. Despite her earlier orgasm, her blood boiled and lust welled, deeper and hotter than before. She writhed underneath him, eager for his penetration, hungry for a cock her inner muscles could grasp. Her hands dug into his shoulder, pleading for more.

  His hand squeezed a breast, his nail rasping over her hardened nipple.

  She shuddered. She wrenched her mouth away from his, demanding, “Now, damnit!”

  He captured her chin, turned it back to him and held her still for his kiss, harsher, more rapacious, as though he was trying to devour her mouth. He lifted his lower body away from hers. The slither of clothes, the crinkle of foil, then the feel of his cock slamming home into her.

  She was so primed she convulsed. He was big and hard within her, pulsing, throbbing, and it set her off again. She screamed into his mouth, her legs wrapping around his in an effort to get closer to him, to press herself against him until they were glued together down there where it counted, where just having his cock in her sent her into orgasmic rapture.

  She came down from bliss to find him still hard in her and motionless, his gray-green eyes observing every expression that crossed her face. He smiled. “Okay?”

  She nodded, ready for another round. She was sure he was going to give her another one before he had his.

  “You’re one hot lady. Can’t believe you’re a mathematician,” he commented.

  “We do know how to compute for the boiling point,” she said.

  He burst into laughter.

  “And beyond,” she purred.

  He winked. “Let’s see how you do.”

  Before she could ask what he meant, he rolled, taking her with him. She grinned. “Fancy a cowgirl riding you?”

  “We’d have to keep that in mind for next time.” He winked again, then pulled her head down for another long kiss. In that interval, she felt the bed dip and remembered Kyle, who must’ve stepped up on the bed.

  Oh God, a ménage!

  She shivered, l
ooking forward to the threesome. She’d only heard about it from Lynne, who’d whetted her appetite with hints and no outright descriptions. She’d had anal sex previously, so penetrating her in the ass shouldn’t be a problem, but she hadn’t had two cocks in her before.

  For a moment, she shivered. With fear, with panic.

  Then Max was there, soothing her, his tongue doing wonderful things in her mouth. She barely felt his hands holding her ass cheeks wide, until Kyle squirted cold lubricant into her hot hole. She shuddered from the contrast, then Kyle was there, his suited up cock at her hole, the blunt head inching in.

  “Relax, sweetheart,” Max said, for she’d reared up, panting. He caressed and squeezed her breasts. “What lovely titties.”

  “Seriously, Max, titties?” Kyle asked from behind her, his hands sensuous as they roamed her back.

  She chuckled as they obviously meant her to do, the tension leaving her body.

  Kyle pushed in, seating himself to the hilt. “Okay, Cara?” He was breathing hard and squeezing her ass with both hands, then running his hands up and down her shoulder to her back. “You’re so tight, baby.”

  Cara took a moment to assess the sensation of two cocks in her. She was full, more than full, if a little bit uncomfortable, but she liked it. She especially liked having two men warming her up, caressing and arousing her, attuned to her every need. “Yes.”

  “Ready for a ride?”

  “About time,” she answered with a saucy grin.

  They moved. Her breath hitched, then she moaned, for the pressure in her belly built up quickly, faster than before.

  Max thrust in, Kyle withdrew. Then vice-versa. Their rhythm smooth and steady, their cocks tunneling in and out of her like a well-oiled machine designed to bring a woman pleasure.

  Oooh. There was nothing but pure sensation. The rasp of Max’s cock against her pussy walls, the scrape of Kyle’s length against the sensitive lining of her ass. The two cocks passing each other, rubbing against each other as they pleasured her. Max’s mouth on her breast, Kyle’s lips nibbling on her nape. Kyle held her arms immobile, as though he were truly a rider holding on to the reins. Two hot bodies surrounding her with their heat, touching her with their magic, their hands, mouths, cocks—