Threesome Play (Threesome Series) Read online

Page 3

  Max hit a delicious spot within her.

  “Faster,” she gasped, reaching for that evasive pleasure just out of reach.

  Their paces increased, became harder, more forceful. Max’s hands grasped her hips, holding her steady for their pounding. When she jerked, she threw their rhythm out of whack, and their drives turned frenzied, rutting in her as they lost control.

  When Max drove deep into her and ground his lower body against hers, bolts of pleasure bombarded her body, throwing her into frantic movements to prolong the intense rapture. She rode the crests and lows of her orgasm, even as the men found their own. “God, yes!” If she were a werewolf, she would’ve howled. She screamed instead.

  She came out of her bliss-induced haze boneless and fully satisfied. She couldn’t move; she was quite content to let Kyle ease out of her, then arrange her so that she was lying in between the two of them. Her mind replayed the entire episode, from the time Max threw her down to the bed right up to her third—fourth?—orgasm. Her body quivered, as though she was still orgasming. Or maybe that was because Kyle had just placed his hand on her stomach and was caressing upward, catching one breast in his capable hand. She couldn’t get over how incredible the entire experience was. Her body was still humming with fierce satisfaction.

  Her mind suddenly zoomed to Lynne’s account of her first threesome, how her now-fiancé had become entranced with her and had asked her out for a date after the episode. Cara’s heartbeat, which had been slowing down, stepped up its rhythm. If her life were on a parallel with Lynne’s, now would the time for one of the guys to ask her—

  “One more?” Kyle queried.

  That wasn’t exactly the question she was waiting to hear. She turned to face him. “Don’t you need rest?”

  He looked pointedly down at himself.

  She followed his gaze and had to smile. Laughing properly took too much effort. “Guess not.” Since they weren’t moving in the direction she wanted, perhaps she ought to nudge them along. In the meantime, a thought had occurred to her, and curiosity prompted her to ask, “You guys share women frequently? I mean, you both move as though you knew what you were doing. In sync and all that.” She glanced from one lover to the other and had to force herself not to shiver with the thrill of being able to call these two attractive men her lovers.

  Lovers, as in more than one.

  Max rolled to his side, facing her, and raised his upper body to a half-sit. “I guess this is your first threesome?” He quirked a brow.

  “You guessed right.” She wanted to trace the droplet of sweat that was making its way down the middle of his body with her tongue, then lick her way to his flat nipples. Just looking at those small, hard buds caused arousal to stir within her again, despite being well-fucked just seconds ago. Yet, that would leave Kyle neglected. Should she keep a hand on him, to show that she hadn’t forgotten him? She’d never thought about the intricacies of a threesome before. Perhaps she should’ve asked Lynne—

  “We do occasionally share women,” Kyle conceded.

  What Cara hadn’t expected to feel was that she would be attracted equally to these two men. Different but essentially good men. She had no doubt she would get along well with Max. They were two peas in a pod, both geeky mathematicians. She could imagine them discussing mathematical formulas and theorems well into the night. Kyle, however, made her heart lighter. He would draw her out of her shell when she wasn’t feeling sociable, when all she wanted to do was hide in the house and work on those theorems. Kyle would provide the balance she needed for a well-rounded life.

  Which man should she subtly encourage to pursue her?

  She wouldn’t have a problem getting along with Max, but perhaps she needed Kyle more. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that yes, Kyle would be—

  “But mostly as one-night stands when we feel the urge for female companionship,” Kyle added.


  Was she a one-night stand then? Though perhaps “night” was the wrong word as it was barely noon. One-day stand?

  Cara’s mood plummeted as she understood what Kyle was saying. She was only a diversion, someone to satisfy their temporary need. Nothing permanent would come out of this. Not with him or with Max.

  Lynne’s luck hadn’t rubbed off on her after all.

  Cara’s disappointment was so acute she couldn’t quite credit it. Hell, she’d only met these guys for a few hours. Why was she feeling as though this was the end of her world? She only hoped none of her thoughts was showing on her face.

  Perhaps that was what prompted her to say brightly, “Oh, that’s great. I’m in the market for one-night stands myself. I find that’s the only thing I have time for, what with work and my thesis.”

  Kyle blinked. And blinked again. As though he was nonplussed.

  Cara transferred her gaze to Max, who was looking at her uncertainly. She didn’t understand what was happening, but she knew she needed to fill the silence. If she didn’t, she’d remember how much of a fool she’d been to dream, and her embarrassment would manifest in ways that would be obvious on her neck and face. “How did the two of you come to share women? Are you best friends growing up? I do have a best friend—Lynne—we share everything, but not men. I mean, we’ve never…” she faltered to a stop. “Um, we—”

  “We’re lovers,” Max said bluntly.

  “What?” For a moment there, she thought he had said they were—

  “Max and I, we’re lovers,” Kyle repeated, his voice firm. He reached out a hand, which became tightly clasped in Max’s.

  Cara stared at them while thoughts careened in her head.

  Oh boy oh boy oh boy. No wonder they were so close. No wonder they had the rhythm perfected to a science. No wonder they only had one-night stands with women. They didn’t need anyone else. They were a whole unit unto themselves.

  She was a damn fool for not seeing it. After all, what two gorgeous single guys share a house? Because they were lovers setting up house together, idiot.

  And she thought to come between them, to choose from one of them.

  She would’ve laughed if she hadn’t wanted to cry.

  Chapter Three

  Cara got out of bed and began searching for her clothes. Who cared if they were wet? She had to hold her rioting emotions in until at least she reached home. She couldn’t break down here. She couldn’t appear more of a fool than she already was.

  “I’m sorry, I just remembered I have an important appointment.” She spied her shirt and shorts laid out neatly on the arms of a plastic chair. She slipped into them, the dampness hampering her progress. Finally, she was tying—haphazardly—the two ends of the polo underneath her breasts—her breasts, which were still tender from the nipping and sucking they’d received. No, she wasn’t going to think about that. Not right now.

  “Cara, wait.” Max bounded out of bed and grabbed her arm.

  She sucked in a breath, unprepared for the sensation of his touch against her bare skin. Or how it would affect her.

  “We’d really like to see you again. How about dinner in bed? We could eat off Kyle,” he teased. “He makes a great table, and if we smear his cock with ketchup and mustard, he could give a real hotdog a run for its mo—”

  “No,” she choked out. She couldn’t. If she spent the night with them, she would never want to leave.

  Max frowned. “How about tomorrow? Dinner’s on us, since you’re so good to show us around town—”

  “Can’t bring you around town.” She searched wildly for a reason. “Just remembered I’m meeting my thesis adviser. Sorry.”

  She wrenched her arm from his hold and walked as fast as she could out of the door and back into the safety of her house.

  * * *

  Cara waved cheerily as she sped past them in her blue Toyota. Her smile seemed a little forced, but Kyle couldn’t be sure. He waved back.

  He and Max were still puzzled by what had happened a week before, on that Saturday morn
ing that had appeared to promise so much. No matter how many times they replayed the entire event and discussed it to death, they were still confused. Everything was going well. What had happened to make Cara shy away from them?

  Because that was what she was doing. Whenever they tried to get her alone, she was always off to somewhere important, or she had something important to do, or an important person to meet. It was obvious she was avoiding them. The question was, why?

  Kyle couldn’t help but feel they were missing something.

  “Yesterday morning, I went by her office,” Max said from where he was standing beside him, one hand under his brow to shade his eyes as they followed Cara’s retreating car. “Supposedly, I was there to get her advice on possible thesis topics, but it was just an excuse. I wanted to talk to her, see if I could find out…anything. She foisted me off on one of her colleagues, who was allegedly the brain of the department and was in a better position to help me.” He grimaced. “We talked theorems and postulates to death.”

  Kyle’s lips lifted in a brief smile, as he watched Cara’s car turned the corner. “Do you have a topic yet?” From his peripheral vision, he saw Max shaking his head. “C’mon, let’s get out of the hot sun.”

  Once inside the coolness of the house, they flopped down side by side on the sofa, legs stretched out in front of them, the very vision of laziness.

  “I was so sure we satisfied her that time,” his lover murmured, staring broodingly into space.

  “Both times,” Kyle felt compelled to correct. He remembered the immense pleasure he felt in hearing the evidence of her ecstasy. “She screamed.”

  It was Max’s turn to smile, this time in fond remembrance. “I love a screamer.” His smile faded. “But her subsequent actions are saying she doesn’t want anything to do with us anymore. Maybe we should give it up, as the lady wishes.”

  Kyle could hear the reluctance in his lover’s voice and something else, something that disturbed him, but he couldn’t decipher it. He was probably imagining things. This business with Cara Wilson was making him too sensitive. What he was sure of was the lack of enthusiasm in Max’s voice, and he pressed his advantage. “Should we?”

  “Well, if she doesn’t want…”

  Kyle played on Max’s uncertainty. “She hasn’t said so, has she? All she’s been doing is giving excuses—”

  “C’mon, Kyle. When have we ever gunned so hard for a woman before? Most were one-night stands and when morning came, we—” Max’s eyes widened. “Holy shit.” He grabbed Kyle’s arm in excitement. “You told her we have one-night stands with women. She then said all she had time for are one-night stands. If all the parties are on the same wavelength, why is she avoiding us? Shouldn’t she be trying to get all the one-night stands out of us that she could?”

  “Which means she could be lying,” Kyle said slowly, trying to follow Max’s logic. He could feel Max’s impatience in the fingers that dug into his arm and in his lover’s shallow breaths. But Kyle couldn’t be hurried. His mind could only work so fast. “She’s not looking for one-night stands but for something else.”

  “Precisely.” Max slapped him on the shoulder.

  “When you said we’re lovers, we discombobulated her further—”

  “Wow, big word. I didn’t even know you knew what ‘discombobulated’ means.”

  “Shut it, nerd.” He mock-jabbed Max in the arm. “As I was saying, we confused her further when we said—excuse me, when you said—we’re lovers, thereby making her think that there really is no room for her in our lives except as a temporary sex partner.”

  “Which may not be what she’s looking for.” Max concluded, then continued with a thoughtful expression, “Now, the big question is, what are we looking for? One-night stands or something more permanent?”

  “We’re a package deal, Max,” he reminded. “Cara may not be into a permanent threesome.”

  “We won’t know until we asked, will we?” Max gave him a pointed look. “And you haven’t answered me. What do we want?”

  Kyle mulled the question over. He also remembered that while washing the car, he had a fleeting thought that one-night stands were getting old and that maybe he was ready for something different. But what about Max? “I know what I want. How about you?” When Max was about to open his mouth, Kyle sent him a hard look and said, “You don’t get to ask all the questions, Max. I get one vote, you get another. If our answers aren’t unanimous, it’s a no-go. Get it?”

  “We’re lovers, partners. I get it.” Max nodded. “Want me to get pen and paper and compare our answers later?”

  No matter that they were together for so long now, Kyle sometimes still couldn’t decide when his lover was being sarcastic. Now was one of those times. It made for exciting moments in their relationship. “No need. How about an open palm for permanent and a close fist for temporary, and we show our hands at the same time?”

  “You’re on.”


  Max nodded.

  “On three. One, two, three.”

  Max’s hand was open in a horizontal position, facing up, while Kyle’s open palm was in a vertical position, as though miming “stop”.

  “What does that mean?” Max stared at him, irritation on his face. “That wasn’t what we agreed on.”

  “Is so. Open palm.” Kyle pointed to his hand.

  “So permanent relationship?” Doubt was written all over Max’s face, indicating he didn’t quite believe Kyle’s gesture meant what it was supposed to mean.

  “That’s why it’s vertical. Face it, lover, we don’t know Cara, and she doesn’t know us. Who can say permanent at this point?” Kyle shrugged. “We do have one thing going for us—awesome sex. I suggest we go into this thing and see if we can build on it and make it work. How’s that?”

  Max grinned, the doubt fading. “That’s what relationships are all about, aren’t they?”

  “Right, it’s not all sex. So, since Cara isn’t here and we can’t talk to her, and while it’s very tempting to take you back to bed…” Kyle stopped at this point to draw his lover into a passionate, open-mouthed kiss. They were both breathing hard by the time they broke away, eyes glinting with lust, and hands shamelessly stroking the other’s body. “What say we take that tour around town? I’m sure we can manage to find our way.”

  Max jumped to his feet and sped to the door. “Let’s go before I drag you to bed.”

  “Let’s,” Kyle murmured, eyes on his lover’s delicious ass. “Before I change my mind.”

  * * *

  Cara pulled into her driveway. It was close to midnight, and the entire neighborhood was quiet. The only light shone from the street lamps and the full moon. Unbidden, her gaze sliced across to the next door, and like most of the houses on this street, it was dark, as though its inhabitants were already asleep.

  Or out partying until the early morning hours.

  After all, it was a Saturday.

  Cara sighed. She had no cause to be bitter. They never misled her; it was she who had assumed and gotten burned by the sparks when the truth was revealed. At least, she’d gotten out before things had developed further and feelings gotten more involved.

  Lynne hadn’t been much help, except to commiserate with her and to point out the bright side—that Cara had gotten laid after eight long dry months and that the sex had been incredible. After a slight hesitation, she had then asked if Cara still wanted an introduction to Ash. If she did and should she ever join them in bed, Lynne would just close her eyes.

  Remembering, Cara shook her head and released a little laugh. Lynne was a very good friend, and her nightly phone calls—both sympathetic and funny—had enabled Cara to see things more clearly. Kyle and Max were nothing more than little hiccups on her journey to finding someone she could share her life with, and that was nothing to get upset about. Hiccups happened so she could learn from them and ensure they didn’t happen again in the future.

  Now that she’d gotten herself sorted
out, perhaps she could be friends with her neighbors.

  She pressed the button to close the garage doors and got out of the car. Yawning, she turned on the lock and made her way toward the house’s back door. Time to hit the sack.

  “Can we talk to you for a few minutes?”

  The sound came from out of the night and was so unexpected Cara screamed before the voice registered in her brain and she realized it was familiar. She knew that voice, its rough bass and cadence. She whirled around and, in the dim light, saw Kyle and Max standing before her, their hands up in the air.

  “Sorry,” Kyle was saying, a sheepish look on his face. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”

  Max added his own apologies.

  She clasped a hand to her heaving chest. If they were really muggers, she’d be dead. “How did you get in?”

  “We followed your car, so when you activated to close the garage doors—”

  “You were already inside,” she finished for him. Now that her fright was over, her heartbeat was speeding up again for another reason entirely. Even in the dimness where she couldn’t see their features clearly, they looked good enough to eat. Which was an observation best left unnoticed for someone who was supposed to be forgetting about them as potential dating candidates. “What do you want?”

  Her voice came out sharper than intended, but that was all right. If they were deterred, so much the better.

  And so much for her earlier conviction of becoming friends with them. If this kept on, it would take maybe a thousand years before their friendship took off.

  “Can we go in please?” Kyle asked. “It’s better if we talk inside.”

  That was something she didn’t want to do, if she could help it. Inside had a couch—comfy and wide enough for a sandwich—and upstairs had a bed. “It’s late and I’m tired—”