Threesome Play (Threesome Series) Read online

Page 4

  “It won’t take long, we promise,” Max butted in.

  Anyway, they needed to pass the inside of the house to go out the front door, since she didn’t want to open the garage doors again. So a detour through the living room was unavoidable. With that legitimate reason in mind, she reluctantly motioned them to follow her inside. As she walked, she was conscious of their supreme maleness behind her, their scent and the intense larger-than-life masculine presence they brought along with them. She fought hard not to shiver, not in fear, but in delicious excitement at having all that hard, irresistible male flesh within reach.

  Once they were seated on the sofa—Cara across from the two men—she asked in as neutral a tone as possible, “Yes? What is it you want to talk about?”

  Max lounged back in his seat, his pose casual and relaxed, as though he was in his own home. “Kyle and I were thinking that since our sightseeing trip was aborted last Sunday, maybe we could do it tomorrow. We don’t like to impose, but it would be good to have a local show us around, tell us the history and the good places to go. Are you free?”

  She didn’t think she could stand to be in their company for a whole day and not want to jump them. Maybe some time down the road, but not now, not when their lovemaking was still fresh and clear in her mind, not now when her body was clamoring for a repeat. “I’m sorry, but tomorrow is not a good day either. My thesis—”

  Max’s brows knitted. “Weren’t you working on it today?” He shrugged. “I mean, you just got home, and you did say your defense is coming up.”

  “Precisely why I need to meet my adviser more often.” She seized on the offered excuse, grateful there was one, and decided that more explanation was needed. “He wanted to make sure I have everything covered. As you can see, I don’t have much time to spare to tour you around. I can recommend the Jackson brothers down the road—”

  “Liar,” Kyle accused with a smiling mouth. He too sat back on her sofa, and she wouldn’t have been surprised if he set his feet on the coffee table.

  For a moment, she thought she’d heard wrongly. Surely, that word couldn’t be said with a smile.

  Then Kyle repeated it, though in a softer voice. Still smiling.

  “What?” She jumped to her feet, hands clenched at her side. She did pull off a good imitation of incensed, if she said so herself. “I didn’t let you come into my house to insult me.”

  “It wasn’t an insult, but fact,” Max said, arms crossed on his chest. “You weren’t working on your thesis.”

  “I sure was! Didn’t you see me leave early in the morning?” she demanded, hands on her waist. Towering over them gave her a sense of control over the conversation. Earlier, the sight of a smiling Kyle waving at her almost made her waver in her resolve to stay away from him. The sight of him and Max standing under the sun were so delicious she almost returned her car to the garage.

  “We did see you leave, but not where you went,” Kyle said. “Which was why, imagine our surprise when we saw you at the park feeding the pigeons in the late afternoon. Tell us, did you work on your thesis at all today?”

  She stared at them, dumbfounded. She couldn’t do anything to suppress the heat climbing up her neck to her face. Before she could formulate a logical explanation for being at the park—like taking a break after a grueling session—Max added, “The truth, Cara.”

  If it weren’t for his gentle, non-judgmental voice, she would still have tried to come up with a reasonable excuse. As it was, her shoulders slumped—her entire body did, too—and she sighed. She flopped down back onto her seat. She suddenly felt so tired. The entire week of avoiding them and trying to forget her attraction to them took more out of her than she knew. “No.”

  “You’re avoiding us?”

  She sighed again. “Yes.”


  Since they wanted to know, fine, she’d tell them the truth. But she’d be damned if they pitied her, so she sat up, spine straight, and looked at them, one from the other. “Look, Max, Kyle, I get it, okay? You’re a couple, and you’re looking for a third—a woman—to play with. But I’m not made like that. We had fun together that morning, but that’s it. No more repeats.” She tried for a lighthearted smile. “Anyway, I’m really busy with my thesis. I’ve been working on it the whole week, and it was only today that I took a break.” She took a deep breath for courage. “I’d like for us to be friends—after all, we’re next-door neighbors—but not yet. Give me some time to…um, get the image of you naked out of my head—”

  “We’d rather you didn’t,” Max interjected.

  Startled at what he’d said, she glanced at him and couldn’t help but follow the graceful slide of his hands into his pockets, thumbs hanging out and bracketing his erection, a prominent bulge beneath his jeans.

  No. Oh no.

  Her emphatic, silent “no’s” couldn’t drown out the images that bombarded her mind, of Max’s virile naked body covering her, his intense gray-green eyes staring into hers while his powerful legs worked as he pumped his hips to thrust into her over and over.

  “We want you, Cara,” Kyle said, drawing her eyes to his. She saw the flames of lust leaped into his eyes, stark and fierce.

  Against her will, her nipples beaded, begging, pleading for their touch.

  “No,” she breathed, then louder, firmer, “no.”

  “You want us, too,” Kyle went on.

  “I’m more than my body,” she raged.

  “You’ve got a beautiful body.”

  “And a brilliant mind,” Max continued.

  “Thank you,” she said faintly.

  “A strong will,” Kyle said.

  “Thank you.” This time, there was a questioning inflection in her tone. Where were they going with this? Were they hoping that by inundating her with compliments, she was going to change her mind? Oh no, she wasn’t, not if she valued her peace of mind and sanity.

  “Max and I are a couple, a package deal.”

  Wasn’t that what she had said earlier? What was Kyle about?

  “We are looking for a woman—”

  “I’m not in the market for one-night stands anymore.” Damn it. How many times was she going to have to repeat it? To know that she was a prime candidate as a playmate and not for anything more threatened to tear her heart in two. “If that’s all, please. It’s been a long day and—”

  “To build a relationship with,” Kyle said over her words. “To see if a relationship is possible.”

  “Among the three of us,” Max added.

  Cara wasn’t aware of standing, but suddenly, she was sinking back down into her seat, eyes wide as she stared at them.

  “We want you to be that woman, Cara,” Max said. Taking his hands out of his pockets and resting his arms on his thighs and leaning forward, he continued, a hint of uncertainty in his voice, “If you’ll have us.”

  “But-but your one-night stands…”

  “Are a thing of the past,” Kyle said, voice firm. “We’re at the point in our lives where we want something more permanent, but—”

  A horrible thought occurred to her. “If you’re saying that just because of me, so that you’d get me into your bed, I’d rather you didn’t and—”

  “No, of course not!” Kyle burst out. “We’ve already been having these thoughts before you approached us, and your entry in our lives simply quickened the process. We’re serious, Cara, but at the same time, we realize it may be hard for a woman to accept being in a permanent threesome with us. You’d have to contend with two guys, instead of one. Which is why we aren’t going to rush you into this. We’re giving you a week to think about this, or as much time as you need, and if you’re amenable, maybe we could date—no sex—and see if…”

  She’d stopped listening to him. Joy was welling up in her, a bubbly fountain of giddy headiness. Instead of one, she was getting two of them. It was more than she hoped for. It was everything she hoped for.

  “Yes.” She was hardly aware of the word slipping o
ut of her mouth, but suddenly, Kyle and Max were staring at her, eyes intent, bodies taut and alert.

  “Yes what?” It seemed as though Max had stopped breathing.

  She trembled, knowing she was standing on the precipice of one of the most important events in her life. “Yes to trying out the relationship with both of you.”

  The men’s tension dissolved into whoops of relief, which sounded oddly like victory. They turned to each other and hugged, and she wanted to be there in the middle of that embrace, sure that she belonged there—with them.

  Even as she watched them, they came toward her and pulled her to her feet.

  “Cara.” Kyle’s voice and eyes held a heat that stoked a kindling inside her. “Thank you.” He lowered his head and kissed her, a slow, open-mouthed kiss that spoke of passion and promise.

  Before she could ask for more, he was gone, and Max was standing in front of her, a bemused smile on his face, making his attractive face even more handsome. “We’ll do our best to make you happy.”

  Put like that, what more could a woman ask?

  His lips were firm and warm, as he drew her into a kiss much like the one she’d shared with Kyle. His mouth teased hers, speaking of things that were to come. She could feel him trembling as his tongue rubbed against hers, and she stroked back, loving the rough texture. He shuddered, capturing her tongue and sucking. This time, it was she who quivered with arousal.

  He broke away, stumbling back. “Um, we’d better get back and let you rest.”

  What? She blinked. This was how they were going to make her happy?

  Kyle was saying, “We’d love to spend the day with you tomorrow, Cara—”

  “What’s wrong with tonight?” she demanded. She had backed off before because she thought she didn’t have the right to ask anything of them. But now that they had given her the privilege, she wasn’t above exercising it immediately.

  The truth was, she wanted them, and she was hungry for them. That Saturday romp was well and good, but it only whetted her appetite for more.

  Surprised, they glanced at each other.

  Good, she was destroying their game plan.

  “We thought you might want to date first—” Max began.

  “What’s wrong with having sex before the date tomorrow?” Cara’s hands cupped their respective bulges through their jeans unerringly. She was gratified to note that their cocks leaped to attention at her touch, growing harder under her strokes. “Make me happy. I want you both in my bed. Tonight.”

  “We should do this right.” Even as Kyle launched a protest, his voice was weakening with each word he spoke. “In the right order…”

  “This feels right,” Cara replied, reaching up on tiptoe to kiss and nuzzle each man’s throat. “Fuck me, Max. Fuck me tonight.” To Kyle, she murmured, “Fuck me hard. I want you in my pussy this time. I want to know how your cock feels in me as you pound—”

  Kyle uttered a low, vehement curse just before his mouth swooped down on hers, capitulation in his kiss. He surged past the barrier of her lips to lay claim to his treasure, and his tongue stroked and caressed her mouth before it dueled with her tongue and battled for supremacy. Their kiss was hot and open-mouthed, hungry and pillaging, as they crammed one whole week’s worth of desire and lust into this moment.

  Her fragile, lacy blouse tore under his strength, and from behind, Max unclasped her bra, leaving her aching breasts open to Max’s seeking hands. Her breasts flowered and bloomed under his ministrations, her nipples tight and hard, pushing into his palms, seeking for attention. Nuzzling her nape, Max cupped her breasts and lifted them up, his thumbs rasping over the tiny buds and making them even harder. Kyle ripped his mouth from hers. She uttered a protest that died the moment his mouth touched her nipples. He laved and licked her with his tongue, before drawing first one then the other into his mouth and suckling her. Hard.

  Her throat was shredded from the scream of pleasure that was released. She writhed in their arms, seeking for the oblivion that was within reach. Almost.

  “Not yet,” Max murmured, teeth biting down lightly on one soft earlobe.

  She sobbed. “Now. Please.” For good measure, she reached back and stroked his cock.

  Max hissed and pinched on the nipple of a neglected breast.

  She whimpered, the mix of pain-pleasure sending her soaring, but in the end, still falling short.

  This time, Kyle scooped her up in his arms. “Where’s the bedroom?”

  Under her directions and Kyle’s rapid strides, they reached the room in record time. Kyle let her down to the floor, where she took off her fitted jeans and panties. When she looked up, ready to crawl into bed, it was to see the two men kissing with violent force, devouring each other while they tore the clothes off each other. Buttons popped, pinging everywhere.

  The sight sent Cara into a deeper arousal, making her wetter, her cream dripping down her inner thighs. She’d never seen men kiss before, and the sight was so erotic her knees weakened and she almost dropped to the floor. Fortunately, Kyle had positioned her beside the bed, so she staggered a step and sank back onto the welcoming mattress to enjoy the tableau being acted out in front of her.

  Both men were now naked from the waist up. Max peppered Kyle’s chest with slow, drugging kisses, licking and laving Kyle’s nipple before curling his tongue around one brown nub. Cara felt her pussy clench, her breath shortening as lust speared her. As she watched, she remembered the feel of Kyle’s tongue on her nipple, the rough yet silken texture of his strokes and the deep suction pull of his mouth. Wetness rushed to her core, a sensuous slide of cream, readying her.

  Max continued to make his way south, pulling Kyle’s jeans and boxers down in one go. Kyle’s cock sprang out, thick and heavy. Cara’s mouth watered, and her breath caught. Would Max—?

  Oh. A deep, aching groan rose up from within her. He did. And if the men kissing had such an effect on her, this—this totally threw her off the bend.

  For Max had taken Kyle’s cock in his hand and was dragging his tongue in one long swipe from the head to the root. Kyle’s head rolled back, his hand plowing into Max’s hair, urging him to do something. Cara discovered what the “something” was later, when Max opened his mouth and sucked Kyle in.

  Cara lost her breath. She couldn’t glance away. Was this how she looked when she gave a blowjob? She was sure this was far, far more erotic and rawer than anything she’d ever done. The visual affected her, made her hungrier, desire churning a chaotic mess of sensations in her.

  She wanted. At that moment, more than anything, she wanted a long, thick cock pounding into her—hard, fast, obliterating her mind of everything but the impending pleasure of a rough ride.

  Kyle’s. She wanted Kyle’s cock in her pussy.

  A few sucks later, Max released Kyle and suited him up, his large hand rolling down the condom in a strangely graceful motion. She continued to be mesmerized. Hell, even the act of wearing protection made her hot. She wouldn’t mind being treated to such a show every night.

  Though she was impatient with need, she didn’t mind when Kyle returned the favor to Max. At the end of the show, she was whimpering and writhing on the bed, her hand in her pussy. Though her fingers assuaged the hunger a bit, it wasn’t enough. She needed something more substantial.

  Finally, the men were walking over to her, their beautiful cocks plastered to their bellies.

  “Tsk, tsk. Look at that naughty little girl,” Kyle chided. “Should we put her out of her misery?”


  “Since this is our first night together, I’m thinking we should,” Max answered, amused. He ran a finger down the center of her body, his caress a glide so light and sensuous she shuddered. “We do want her to continue welcoming us into her bed.” He moved past her midriff, down her abdomen until his finger tangled in her wet folds, seeking her hidden channel and easing up into her. His gray-green eyes darkened, becoming dark gray. “So wet.” Her pussy clenched. “And tight.”
/>   Kyle elbowed him away. “My turn, I believe.”

  “Keeping count, are you?” Max sucked his drenched finger into his mouth, and the sight so aroused her she pumped her hips.

  “Please,” she croaked. A ragged, desperate plea. “No more—”

  “No more teasing,” Kyle said soothingly, climbing onto the bed and settling his heavy weight over her, sinking her into the mattress.

  It was exactly what she needed. His mouth captured hers in a torrid, open-mouthed kiss, his lips rapacious, his tongue plundering with one aim in mind—to claim her. Her pussy pulsed when his cock nestled in between her puffy folds, then positioned and pushed in. Deeper until their groins pressed. Deeper still when she angled her hips and her legs clasped around his waist. She shuddered at the hint of pleasure, at the onset of bliss.

  “Sweetheart.” Max was caressing her arm, trying to get her attention.

  She blinked and focused on him over Kyle’s shoulder.

  “Do you have any lubricant we could use? Oil, cream—”

  Kyle released her long enough for her to croak out, “Baby oil…vanity…” and then he was claiming her mouth again, pumping slowly in and out of her.

  Oh yes yes yes. She loved feeling the slow slide of a thick cock in and out of her, the way the bumps and ridges chafe against her pussy walls, creating a friction that coalesced in a swirl in her belly. She loved it especially when a man pushed his cock so deep into her their lower bodies ground against one another, heightening the tightening pressure. Later, when Max joined them, she wanted it faster, but for now, this was more than enough.

  She expected Kyle to roll them over so that Max could get behind her, but she was surprised instead when Kyle stopped in mid-pump, lifted his head a trifle and held still. She moaned a protest and opened her eyes to see Kyle staring into space, an expectant expression on his face. She peered around his head to see Max standing behind Kyle.

  Surprised, she asked, “What are you doing?”

  “Readying Kyle’s hole.” Max grinned.

  The realization blew her mind. “You’re going to fuck him?”

  “Yes, then you’ll see how it is having two gay lovers for boyfriends.” Max did something that caused Kyle to groan and surge deep into her, which in turn made her groan with delight.